Saturday 1 November 2008


  1. For the past few days my non-Russian office mate has been putting his coat on the un-pronged coat-peg. I have found this disconcerting. Yesterday I cracked and asked him why he was doing that and if he was only doing it to mess with my mind... turns out he "doesn't give it a second thought where (he) puts his coat". Also, he now thinks I am insane. He gave me a sort of confused stare and asked "what is it like to see the world through your eyes?" and that he couldn't work out if I was "neurotic in a sweet way or a scary way?" Firstly, I am not neurotic in ANY way. Secondly, I know he somehow worked out what was happening with the coat pegs and has just been playing with me. I don't know how to counter this action, should I not wear a scarf, succumb to the cold and just use the un-pronged coat peg? Should I proceed as usual and pretend I don't care where I or anyone else in the office puts their coats? I suppose I could keep my coat on or wait until everyone is here and then use the non-used one? This is just a minefield of options.

  2. "Women in mathematics look like horses." This is what a postdoc said to a group of people at coffee the other day. I scanned around the group- yes I am the only girl here- didn't really need to check, but hey, it doesn't hurt. I decided to stick up for my gender and said that "even if that were true then that would still be a favourable comparison to what male mathematicians looked like!"

    The reaction: "maybe I think you don't like mathematics that much" accompanied by a wink. A WINK. A disgusting wink. Unbelieveable.

    The guy next to me then said "Ahh, you strange but wonderful creature."

    I think I am going to stop going to coffee.

  3. Turns out, I live next to a grave yard. I can't believe that I didn't notice this.

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