Tuesday, 7 August 2007

You can't fight the tears that aren't coming.

I haven't felt at all well today and I spent the afternoon asleep. I felt all empty inside. I feel a little better now, I realised I hadn't eaten properly in a few days, so I rectified that. Sort of. I really must remember to eat. I suppose part of it was worry as well. I seem to be worrying alot recently, mainly about my project. I had emailed by advisor yesterday to tell him what I have done and I am very much concerned that his response will be something along the lines of "Oh my goodness.. you are so stupid! Why on earth have you done that?!" or "Ok.. so what else have you done? You've had 3 weeks... a slug could have done what you've done in 10 minutes!" He won't be impressed, but I just don't want him to be visably angry/annoyed/disappointed with me. Not when I have tried and I am proud of what I've done. Well, maybe proud is too strong a word- I am pleased that I have have ideas and made steps to implement them. Despite the fact that alot of them have gone vastly wrong I have a decreased sense of self-loathing that I kept going. I have only a very fragile grip on this feeling though and I don't want my advisor to come back and alert me to how rubbish I am. I already know that thank you and I absolutely do not need it highlighting!

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