Saturday, 11 August 2007


"Dogma" is a fantastic film. Alan Rickman is very amusing in it, but I would definitely still have really enjoyed it even if he hadn't have been in it.

Today I have almost not done anything mathematical and for the first time in quite a while I didn't go back to the department in the evening. I decided that instead of not really doing any work in a work environment I would admit to myself that I'm not going to do any work and just enjoy the time. So I stayed in my room and I watched "Swimfan" and "Dogma." I went to investigate the wereabouts of the Daily Mail in the college and the visiting children all looked at me like I'd walked off another planet. I actually live here, if I want to walk around in my pyjamas I absolutely can. And I just know they hid the Daily Mail!

Today when I was in the department, a middle aged foreign man asked me what my plans were. As this was a rather vague question I just said "well I plan to go home and eat." And he launched into a speech where he said that he could tell I was "isolated" and "liked to be alone" and that if this continues I "won't ever get married." And he wasn't even my mum!!

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