I'm not going to linger on the point, but I think I have fallen in love with Severus Snape. No, actually I think I will linger on the point. I could pretend that I have not been filling my hours thinking how unbelievably super he is and creating highly fantastical scenarios where we could meet, but that would be a lie. In an ideal world he would come and sweep me off my feet and we'd go and live in the wizarding world and be mathematicians and be really happy. And obviously he would not be dead and he would be Alan Rickman.

I really love Alan Rickman's voice. He is quite possibly one of the sexiest men in the world. May we also remember him in Robin Hood Prince of Thieves. He was by far the best person in the whole film and I have no idea why Marion would choose Kevin Costner over Alan Rickman. That is absolute insanity. She probably had no choice, due to script or whatever, but she could have put up a little less of a fight when he wanted to marry her. He's also very good in Love Actually. When I say "very good" I mean he is very attractive, but I do not like his character- he makes Emma Thompson cry, which isn't really on. I'm almost certain he wouldn't make her cry in real life though.
When I'm not busy lusting after Alan Rickman or any of the charcters he plays, fictional or otherwise, my project continues. It's actually, dare I say it, going ok at the moment. I have managed to generalise a particular proposition and in the not too distant future (hopefully within the next week) I will be in a position to glean from this the generalised generating series. Woop Woop. It would be really exciting if Alan Rickman were a mathematician and we could talk about my project, or if he were an expert on MAPLE and were really interested in MZVs. Then, I think, my life would be complete. I just really like Alan Rickman.
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