Saturday, 24 May 2008

Guinea Pigs are not stupid.

I want to lead all of the ducklings into my room and just have them walking around. Or a guinea pig. I definitely like guinea pigs.

Saturday, 17 May 2008

I mainly hate girls

If it were up to me I would abolish the whole "mirror area" of a public toilet. I find it unnecessary. It also accounts for a slow turn-over in the hand-washing process, as the mirrors act as some bizarre trap for the straightened, plucked and probably freezing morons that totter around in implausibly impractical shoes amongst us. It is a battle to even get close to a sink as a pack of gossiping girls, each memorised by their own reflection, ask each other for mascara because "oh my god I can't believe I forgot it and I have to spend all day at the library". The library is not a fashion parade, the librarians are not the fashion police and the shelves are not lined with magazines filled with crap celebrity tips on how to look good least the mathematics shelves aren't anyway.

Plus I can't do Algebraic Topology, which may be the reason for my irritability. At least its raining and that probably means no one will be sitting on the small walls. Thank god for small mercies.

Saturday, 10 May 2008


11.00 am:

I just got the fabled "exam fear." In one agonising punch to the stomach I woke up and thought "oh shit!"


Seems a little close to lunch to actually commence operation "Oh God please don't let me fail!"....


Lunch over. Very scared. Ken just told me he was in the library for 11 solid hours yesterday.. not including time he worked in the morning. That is actually more revision than I have done in the last 4 days. Eek.


It has taken over 2 hours to do one ridiculously small question. Even now I am not sure I could recreate it...


Another long dinner. It is too hot. Ken didn't come back.. it makes me feel somewhat guilty for eating.. although in actual fact I should feel guilty for not doing any work.


To the library- Away!

Monday, 5 May 2008

Could it be me?

I'd forgotten how much I hate the library around "revision time." I hate that people are inconsiderate enough to put all of their stuff out on a desk and then leave for hours at a time. When I go down in the morning I'm surprised people haven't adopted the German approach of creeping down at night to mark their seat with a towel! I bet they would if they could. I also hate the hoards of people sitting outside the library on the grass too. I'm not sure why this annoys me- but it does.

Tomorrow I'll have another crack at Algebraic Topology. I imagine as a result of this I will hate everyone in the library a lot more...

Could it be me?

Saturday, 3 May 2008

"Bring it to the Table"

I hate this phrase. I have been watching alot of "The Apprentice (US)" and this is a common maxim that punctuates the show. "Bring it to the table!" "Bring it to the plate!" It is this weird thing that Americans have with bringing things to different/ undisclosed places. (c.f. America's next top model: "oohh you better bring it child!") I hope that our American lecturer (supervisor #2) doesn't expect me to bring anything anywhere when it comes to the exam. I am afraid that I am unable to bring anything unless I have explicit instructions on what it is, where to take it and how to handle it.

Speaking, or rather writing, of the exams- I am scared. Although seemingly not scared enough to do anything other than:

1. Write this entry,
2. Watch the new Peep show (available on youtube),
3. Watch the Apprentice ,
4. Worry about people sitting on those annoying little walls at the science site,
5. Be scared of the exams.

The current main fear lies with Algebraic Topology and Algebraic Geometry. But before I commence I'm pretty sure there are some web comics out there that I haven't checked. Maybe I'll bring them to the table...